Out of 111 international entries representing 13 countries, Nimrod Long and
Associates was awarded first place for the Peachtree Street/Auburn Avenue
International Design Competition in 1991. The street and sidewalk
improvements encompass 4.5 miles of The plan emphasizes Peachtree’s role as Atlanta’s major urban spine. It links existing business districts with proposed residential and entertainment centers. Disparate land uses are bound together through a continuous pedestrian zone defined by similar pavements, street trees, light standards, and banners. A public art program of site-specific works interprets local history and culture. The plan strengthens existing business districts and promotes an infill mix of service retail, entertainment, and residential uses. |
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Land Planners | Landscape Architects | Urban Designers
880 Montclair Road, Suite 235, Birmingham, Alabama 35213, Phone: 205/323-6072
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